Modular Particle System
Stardust is a Modular 3D particle system for After Effects. It has an easy to use node based user interface and ships with a host of presets to create stunning effects.
Stardust is a Modular 3D particle system for After Effects. It has an easy to use node based user interface and ships with a host of presets to create stunning effects.
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3D Volume From Particles
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A collection of space scenes created with Stardust by Jean-Marie Marbach
For currently enrolled student or faculty
Render and create stunning volumetric smoke effects from Stardust particles and VDB files
Render and create stunning volumetric smoke effects from Stardust particles and VDB files
Integrating the world renowned openVDB technology seamlessly into Stardust to Create Striking Volume Meshes from Particles and Models
Integrating the world renowned openVDB technology seamlessly into Stardust to Create Striking Volume Meshes from Particles and Models
Particles and Models can interact, collide and affect each other while being affected by forces, allowing for the creation of stunning animation with ease
Particles and Models can interact, collide and affect each other while being affected by forces, allowing for the creation of stunning animation with ease