Option to change the size of the sphere with simulate using sphere?
Hi there, been strugling with this for a gig all morning i couldnt find any way to solve it. I’ve got a simulation with some balls falling into a container.
They work with sim on, physical set to collide using sphere.
But when you change the particle to use a texture the texture becomes tiny with a ton of empty space
I tried to change the size but it looks like it thinks theres a massive sphere around the composition,
and i cant find any way in the physical node to shrink the size of the sphere collision. The only way i could kind of make it work is with box collision
But that in motion doesnt feel right since its colliding on invisible edges.
Is there any way i could approach this?
Hi, If this is a 2D sim as shown in the images, then first you should limit your simulation to the XY axis , the ‘Stream’ preset demo how to do that.
To simulate , you will need a 3D object, such as the spheres you used, once you’re happy with the sim , you can freeze it, and then replace it with these textured circles, and adjust the size. Please send us an email for further help.