
Support ForumCategory: Questionsparticle-faces-direction-of-motion
steve carter asked 7 years ago

Hello, I\’m trying to create a school of fish so I want a cluster of particles to move and rotate in the direction they travel.� I have Motion linked to a light path so wondering if this is the right way.� Any help would be great.

5 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

With the motion node, you can have the particles follow a path and have it oriented to it.

steven answered 7 years ago

But when the particle goes the opposite direction it doesn’t turn around so it looks like it is going backwards. I want a rotation on the turn, like you get when you orient to path when animating on a single layer position.
My motion type is light path, I have orient to path ticked.

steven answered 7 years ago

I\’ve fixed it, I had to orient the path of the light to \’along path\’ in its transform settings. Then my fishes started reacting to that.

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Yes, since it inherits its orientation from the path when using a motion node – light path , if it isn’t oriented it has nothing to orient to. I’m guessing you had a point light, a spot should have orientation by default.

Dave green answered 6 years ago

Thanks so much. This had me stumped most of the afternoon 🙂

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