Lining up objects as emitters, objects as colliders, including 2.5d layers with masks.

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsLining up objects as emitters, objects as colliders, including 2.5d layers with masks.
Jim asked 6 years ago

Hi. I’m working on a project where I’m using a number of different types of objects for emitters and colliders, but I’m having trouble lining them up. One of them is an obj that I import as an emitter, and importing that same object as a collider. They come in with different default position and scale values. Is there a way to bring them in so they can be perfectly lined up?
Also, I have colliders created from masks that I have used to trace images in 2.5D layers. But Stardust only treats mask layers as 2D references for extruded objects, again putting them all in their own space. Is there a way to more easily match the objects up with their references? It’s kind of messy right now.
If not, then this is a feature request: I imagine if you make the object node wireable to the emitter node, like other requests you’ve noted, then that would fix the first issue. But if you could somehow make it so that you can treat 2.5D objects as 2.5D colliders and also extrude those objects from 2.5D space, that would fix the second issue. Those are my votes!

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, some of these requests will be possible with the upcoming Stardust v1.3 (early Nov ) , now you can use the model node, with its deformers as a source to the Emitter. As for Mask align, please send us an email to support with the setup and we will have a look at it.

Jim answered 6 years ago

So I just downloaded v1.3 and using the model as an emitter seems to illustrate the problem very well. I have a model that is based on a text number in AE. If I use the model as a collider, and duplicate the model for use as an emitter, the emitter is flipped and seemingly using a totally different set of coordinates. If there is a way to keep both in the same exact space, that would be ideal. Also, if I could just use one model node for both emitter _and_ deformer, that is how I would expect the nodes to work.

admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi , These flips are configurable, just try to check  / uncheck the Flip Y axis in the Emitter node  / obj properties. And keep all size at 100 percent , no resizing , center etc. 
You can send us an email with your setup and we will try to help . 

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