Can particles emit light?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsCan particles emit light?
Will asked 6 years ago

I tried using the Emissive property on material but didn’t see anything. I have a model that particles are flying around and I want it to be reflecting the particle’s light. Is that possible?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Emissive – You need to assign a texture to the emissive layer (could be a small solid color layer if you don’t need any texture) .
Emissive materials do not affect the surrounding objects , they affect the material , a good example is a Screen, that has its own brightness, you can see the Screen and Laptop from the 3D library as a sample. 
Reflection – Stardust has planar reflection and Env reflection , so if you have a setup with planar reflection you could see the particles in the reflection , the Environment is a pre-rendered / HDRI frame, that does not include the current particles / Models .

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