3D World Scale

Support ForumCategory: Questions3D World Scale
Andrew Honacker asked 5 years ago

I’ve tried applying Stardust to lights that I’ve created from nulls that came from a Maya scene. None of the presets look correct. The particles look enormous.
I’ve then tried to scaling the entire world by grouping all the 3D lights and camera to a null. That seems to make a little difference but the particle systems still look nothing like they should.
The World Scale value doesn’t seem to make any changes to the scene.
How do we correct the 3D scene scale so the particles display appropriately?
Thank you,

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

The world scale param under physics, changes the scale of objects for physics simulation. 
If you import a scene to AE , regardless if its to Stardust or any other 3D workflow, its best to match the scene size to AE scale, you can either do that when exporting from the 3D package, or parent all 3D objects (Camera, Nulls , Lights ) to a new 3D Null, and then scaling it and moving it. Many 3D packages default to very small values, -1… 1 etc’ its best to scale it to the 100’s or 1000’s If you need help with it, please send us an email.

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