Academic prices

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsAcademic prices
Halldór asked 8 years ago

Hi! I’m a student and I use after effects for some assignments, I dont Make anything commercial or get paid for what I make. I really would like to be able to use a tool like Stardust, but as most students I’m already breaking the bank to be able to have an ok computer and after effects. So my question is, would you be willing to get students like me dependant on your plugin by the time they set out for work in the industry by having either a symbolic academic price, say 25USD or do like autodesk does, and have a free student license that only lasts for 2-3 years?
Best regards.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Halldór.
Unfortunately, at this time we do not offer academic licensing.
We may do so in the future, but it is currently not planned.
The Stardust team.

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