Adjusting rotation, scale, position results in gaps in the particles

Support ForumCategory: IssuesAdjusting rotation, scale, position results in gaps in the particles
JP Jaramillo asked 8 years ago

Hello! I am currently making a grid emitter that leaves an unbroken trail of particles along a specific path. I want the grid to twist and twirl while following the specific path. So as I keyframe things like the rotation value, the scale of the grid, and other things that have to do with particle positions along the path to get the animation I like, I am seeing gaps in the trail of particles – even if I set the origin time sample to EXACT.

I’ve tried to do this many different ways and I am plagued by the same issue. Here is a screenshot demonstrating what’s happening:

Currently, I only have two nodes. The grid emitter (which is keyframed to follow a path as well as twist and scale), and the particle look.

I would love to know how to move forward from here. Thank you.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi , could you please send me an email so I could have a look at the setup ?

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