AE Lock Up when adding a node

Support ForumCategory: IssuesAE Lock Up when adding a node
Kevin L asked 8 years ago

Greetings. First I love Stardust 🙂
I’m playing around as I learn, and I’ve run into a crash scenario:
After some number of operations (random) such as building a string and setting up, I go to add another node and a blank white dialog box (I assume an AE dialog, can’t tell) pops up. AE quits responding and I have to close program.
I can reopen the same project at whatever point I had last saved try to replicate steps and sometimes it works, sometimes I get the crash.
Any clue as to what might be a culprit.
Thank You

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Kevin,
Could you please send us an email ? 

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