after effects aegp plugin aegp internal leaked effect refs

Support Forumafter effects aegp plugin aegp internal leaked effect refs
trent walker asked 7 years ago

my particles disappear randomly and then this message comes up sometime after. They will come back randomly at times and then disappear again. 
I am running cc 2018 after effects i have a z820 with 128 ram dual xeon and a p5000

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Trent, the “Leaked effect refs” This issue reflects no actual problem. It’s a nuisance and will be resolved soon. as for the disappearing partilcles, please send us an email to support@ and we will look into it.

John Locke Alderson answered 5 years ago

This morning I started getting the same error and have done everything I know to do, trashed prefs, emptied cache, rebuilt db cache, switched render engines, etc, even turned off all Stardust layers, same error. So it is just a nuisance? Running CC2019 w a GT 710 16 RAM i5-3570K

Julia Radulska answered 5 years ago

Has this been resolved as I get the same “AEGP Plugin Element: Leaked effect refs (5027 :: 12)” error. Not a fan. 
AE CC 2020, RTX 2070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 32GB RAM 3600MHz…

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