Aliased edge on textured particles

Support ForumCategory: IssuesAliased edge on textured particles
Alan Jaym asked 7 years ago

I’m trying to use a sequence of sprites to texture some particles and im getting a white outline on my particles
its like its getting premultiplied or soemthing? i dont really understand where this is coming from (its not in my pre-comp at all) and there dosnt seem to be any option to change how the sprites are interpreted. anyone have a solution for this? thanks

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Alan, please send us an email to support with your setup, and we will have a look at this issue

Nathan answered 6 years ago

Hi support staff,  Can you please post answers to these problems here in the forum?  I have the same issue, but the support forum isn’t much help to users if there are no solutions posted.

admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Nathan, The forum is for user-user questions, please send us an email with any question or issue, please include a sample setup / screenshot . Aharon

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