attaching a grid emitter to a null

Support ForumCategory: Questionsattaching a grid emitter to a null
Félix asked 8 years ago

I’m trying to create an orbiting emitter. So I have a null1 at 960,540,0 that rotates around the y axis. I have another null2 that is offset from here and parented to null1, so it orbits around null1. Now, the question is how do I attach a grid emitter position to the orbiting null?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi, you can have an expression, to get the world position of that null, and then link the grid to it, if you’re comfortable with expressions do the following – 
Add a 3d expression control on null2 and add the toWorld expression : layer(“null2”).toWorld([0,0,0]) and then link the Grid origin to it.

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