Attaching an emitter to a 3D null

Support ForumAttaching an emitter to a 3D null
Matt Stevens asked 7 years ago

So I’ve got a big camera move, from -32657.0649 in Z to 31074.769 in Z.  I have a light emitter that travels along a path creating a line.  This line need to travel through various particle globes that explode when it does so.  

I’ve got a nice exploding particle globe all set up.  I’m now trying to position this globe along the path of the camera move.  I’ve attached, through expressions, the obj and 2 emitters that make up my globe to a 3D Null, but the position isn’t coming out correctly. 

I tried using the transform node so I only had to attach this node to my 3D null, but the transform node maxes out at 100000, so I can’t do it that way.

Why does the transform node max out short of AE’s 3D space?

Any ideas how I can get round this?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi , we are going to up many params max values going forward, transform node included.
As a workaround, you could scale down the world,  to do so, you can parent all 3d layers and the camera in the comp to a 3d Null and scale that null to  about 10% .
Please send us an email for further help :  Aharon

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