Can I use a particle to knock out the alpha of the Stardust layer?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsCan I use a particle to knock out the alpha of the Stardust layer?
Paul asked 5 years ago

I am trying to have a stream of particle go around (in front and behind) a bottle (the bottle is a flat image, not a 3D object). I have, so far, added the bottle as a single particle into the Stardust layer, so my particles are treating it as a flat object and going around it, which is great. But I want to colour grade the particles separately from the bottle, so ideally would like the bottle to be invisible, but to knock a hole in the Stardust layer’s alpha, and I put the bottle on another AE layer, thereby keeping the particles separate from the bottle artwork. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance for any help!

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi, You can set the Bottle Transfer mode to Stencil, so it will only cut a hole and not render. 

Paul answered 5 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me. But where would I set the transfer mode to Stencil? Not AE’s Layer Modes I assume – that would treat the entire Stardust layer as a stencil – I need just the bottle to be a stencil. I’ll email the project to your support with more details.

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