Cannot open the "Panel" in Stardust Demo in AE 2018 15.1.1

Support ForumCategory: IssuesCannot open the "Panel" in Stardust Demo in AE 2018 15.1.1
Paul Roper asked 7 years ago

Hello, I’m using AE 2018 with the very recent (like yesterday) update. I’ve just installed the demo of Stardust, but if I apply Stardust to a layer, then click on “Open” (next to Panel: Click To Open), nothing happens. When I rollover the Open button, the lower edge of the button gets duplicated, like this:
Here’s a short screen recording:

Everything else works fine – I can load up presets, adjust all values, etc.
I’m running Windows 7.
<div style=”padding:88% 0 0 0;position:relative;”><iframe src=”; allowFullScreen frameborder=”0″ mozallowfullscreen webkitAllowFullScreen style=”position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;”></iframe></div><script src=””></script&gt;

7 Answers
morgan answered 6 years ago

Hi, i have the exact same problem… Juste installed Stardust and registered it correctly, i\’m running on cc2018 on mac os Mojave 10.14.4 So far i\’ve restarted after effect, i have yet to restart the computer… So i\’m maybe alarming for nothing…  

morgan answered 6 years ago

So i restared the computer, same problem… I’ll go look elsewhere if i get an asnwear, this doesn’t start very well… 🙁

morgan answered 6 years ago

Okay, so i found where my problem was from… HAd to go to the after effect window drop down menu, click the stardust pannel off, then click it back on… Et there it is… It simply wouldn’t come automaticly with the open button…

Daniel answered 5 years ago

I run AE cc 2017 on Windows7 and correctly installed the stardust plugin v1.3. The problem is when I open the Stardust preset, the panel lacks of the ADD button and others too, therefore I cannot add the stardust preset into my composition. How can I fix this issue? Please help. Thank you in advance.  I also have the same issue with the version 1.5 of this plugin

Gerardo sotillo answered 5 years ago

same problem with presets pannel no add or cancel button so i can aply any presets. Any one an answer becouse I am still waiting for support help UNBELIEVABLE !!! One week after buy it i can not use it yet.

HJ answered 4 years ago

Having the same issue. Anyone figure it out yet? Clicking “stardust” on the windows tab is not doing anything.

dimon answered 1 year ago

Добрый день у меня такая проблема в AE CC 2019 на Windows 8.1 установлен плагин Stardust 1.6.0 но в браузере выбора эффектов отсутствуют кнопки выбора и отмены и прокрутка тоже не работает а так же окно нельзя отрегулировать как я могу исправить эту проблему может какие дополнения нужны  подскажите что можно сделать.

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