Can't tell the version I'm on

Support ForumCategory: IssuesCan't tell the version I'm on
Sean Cusson asked 8 years ago

Aescripts lists the latest version as 0.9.5 so I run the installer but when I check the about area in the Stardust plugin I get 

Stardust v0.9
build 0.2.5
It’s really confusing that the build numbers and listed identically. So I guess the question is, am I using the most recent build, and if not, why isn’t it updating when I run the installer?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

v0.9 build 0.2.5 is 0.9.5 and it is the latest, when we will get to version 1.0 we will clear the numbering.

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