Clone and Source modules

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsClone and Source modules
Nick Cortes asked 8 years ago

Does anyone know how to use the Clone and Source modules? They’re located below the Shading module and I guess they’re only available in the full version of Stardust. I keep trying them in different ways in different comps but I get no results. Anyone?

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Nick,
At the end of the user guide there is a description of these two nodes. 
The Clone, lets you branch out, so you can take an existing setup and instead of duplicating the entire branch to add a Field for instance, you can just add a clone and connect the Field to it.
The Source node lets you add the same source to multiple nodes, e.g an AE Layer , that is a source texture for particle, you set the Source to Layer, select the output parameters, in this case it will be the Particle Texture and connect it to a Particle node.
Aharon, superluminal

Nick C. answered 8 years ago

Thanks! I think I get it now

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