
Support ForumCategory: Issuescollision-gap-in-physical-sim
Paul asked 7 years ago

Hi.� So I just installed the Windows version and you all must be wizards.� Stardust is so amazing & beautiful. I noticed when simulating a model though there is a noticeable & consistent collision gap. I\’m wondering if there is a setting I need to adjust or something I am doing wrong. I tried upping the quality of the sim but that actually seemed to make it a bit worse? I\’ve uploaded a video to Vimeo.� I apologize for the low quality but the issue is still clearly visible I think. Thanks so much for your time and excellent, excellent plug-in.

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, Physical Engines need some margin for objects to collide. There are several ways you can address this

  • Once you’re happy with the sim, freeze it and resize the objects a bit.
  • You can change the World Scale, (this param is on the main Stardust effect) so objects ‘Real World’ size is bigger, the margin would get relatively smaller.
  • You can use larger objects and so the margin would be relatively smaller. 
  • You can lower the Margin param value (also on the main Stardust effect) – doing so, you will need to have a higher quality simulation.

There’s more info about this in the user guide, and for further help, please send us an email.

Paul answered 7 years ago

Thanks you for those suggestions. I will explore them.

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