
Support ForumCategory: Questionscollisions-kinematic-doesnt-work
Damian Wilk asked 6 years ago

I have Emitter 1 responsible for one big object, and Emitter 2 responsible for a swarm of other objects with replica and turbulence applied.I\’d like all these objects NOT to collide with each other (ideally) and NOT to go through each other (my minimum plan).As of now, these just go through each other, despite physics system on and Physical nodes added. Where\’s my mistake?

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi , to enable physical particles please save the project, and enable the Simulation in the main Stardust effect. You can have some particles  to collide only with kinematic objects, this setting is under the physical properties. for further support please send us an email.

Damian answered 6 years ago

I will send you an email, thanks

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