Creating a set amount of particles?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsCreating a set amount of particles?
Dave asked 7 years ago

Trying to create a set amount of particles and I am doing it the way I would in Particular by setting particles per second to that amount and then turning off the emitter on the next frame but this is not working.  I see no particles if I do it this way.  Am I missing something obvious?  What is the reccommended way of doing this in Stardust?
Trying to create a flock of birds on frame 1 that live through the whole comp.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

There are several emitting types in the emitter node, if you set it to ‘Once’ it will emit particles on the first frame only. You can also keyframe, as you mentioned, if you think there is an issue with that, please send us the project, and we’ll have a look at it. 

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