Custom layer particle time sample freeze frame at birth from current time.

Support ForumCustom layer particle time sample freeze frame at birth from current time.
Dominic Pons asked 7 years ago

What does the freeze frame setting option for the Texture time sample do?

I thought it would allow me to have the emitted particle frozen at the current playing frame from the composition set as the source layer.
but it seems to keep it playing all the frames until the end point of the layer. Is there something specific I could do in order to have it behave in such a way?

if not it would be fun to add a feature that would be the same as “random still frame” except instead it would match the current time in order to have it linear as it gets emitted. It would be called “freeze at birth on current time“.

cheers !

5 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, The freeze frame, will freeze the source clip at the last frame. You could also control the texture frame post-emitting using the Field / Maps and other nodes. Please search for ‘Texturizer’ preset to see an example. The Replica node also has some controls over particles textures. Please send an email to support for further help. 

alex answered 4 years ago

‘Freeze frame’ does not work as expected for me in 1.6.0 on Windows.  It does exactly the same thing as ‘current time’.

Andy answered 4 years ago

Yes same for me, I really need it to freeze the particle at the current frame. Doing a timeline for example where different dates appear along the length of a path. 

Vojta answered 3 years ago

Yeah I thought it will do the same thing as Dominic assumed – emit particle of still frame of whatever the frame is inside texture layer at the moment of emission. But if it just cycles through all and stops on the last, there\’s no difference from \”play once\” I have a list of some 200 names I want to fly across the screen in random fashion and thought it would make my life easier if I just copy/paste them inside narrow comp, have it slide up so there\’s different name on every frame and use it as particle, so on every frame a different name would fly out. \”Random still frame\” would kinda do the job except there\’s no saying if some names wouldn\’t be skipped while others used multiple times neither of which would be good.

Vojta answered 3 years ago

BTW after some more research Trapcode Particular does exactly that – emits particles frozen on frame corresponding to the time of texture layer at the time of emission. Probably not the solution people here need, but if you have access to other plugins..

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