Detailed Control Replica Corner Node

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsDetailed Control Replica Corner Node
Marc Petersen asked 6 years ago

Hi all, what is the best way to control the replica node corners. As you see attached, I try to make  grid lines which should align the 3d cube Pattern underneath. How could I adjust the length between two corners? And how to avoid small scale corners (red marks)? Thanks for Help!

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, the Corners are random, I noted this as a request for more control over it. Aharon

Marc Petersen answered 6 years ago

Hi Aharon, that would be a useful feature which would guarantee more control to grid like objects.  Same with the turbulence node. Couldn’t find a way to create ordered turbulence like a sinus wave. Or is this possible with the right values?
Cheers Marc

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