Display is very slow on windows

Support ForumCategory: IssuesDisplay is very slow on windows
Gilles Pfeiffer asked 7 years ago

I started to play with the plugin in demo version.
It looks cool but I can’t go to far without experiencing very slow display.
it takes many seconds (like 50 seconds) just with one emitter, 2 particles system. Emitted from a grid with 30 in each axis… one with cloud aspect, size 20…
I would like to know if it is a regular behavior…
Thanks for your answer

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi , a simple setup like this shouldn’t be slow,could you please send us a comp, so we could have a look at the issue ? cheers, Aharon

Gilles Pfeiffer answered 7 years ago

thanks for the answer.
I didn’t told you but my machine is an i7 5960x, 32 gb ram, twice geforce gtx 980.
How could I send you the comp ?

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, I missed your reply, with any issue, its always better to send us an email to support@superluminal.tv

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