emit from alpha

Support ForumCategory: Questionsemit from alpha
hadi jamshidi asked 8 years ago

is it possible to emit particles from the alpha of a layer?.
I don’t see any emitter type relating to that.
thank you

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi, you can use a layer emitter to emit particles based on  a texture ,you could also use the maps to control particles based on  a texture.
Layer emitter – please see Presets / Nodes / Emitter / Layer  and for maps sample , please see – Presets / Nodes / Maps / Sphere Map
please send an email for further support to support@superluminal.tv
Aharon, superluminal

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

can you please send us via email the setup you are trying to make ? support@superluminal.tv

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