Emitter – Birth Control

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsEmitter – Birth Control
Fish asked 8 years ago


  1. Is it possible to have more control on particule’s birth than just Default/Once/Sequence/Randomize ? Like a shading control based on Black and Withe layer that would define the birth offset ?
  2. Is it normal that the regular Sequence option doesn’t work on Ring emitter ?

Nice plugin by the way.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi ,
You can use a layer emitter to do that , you can see a sample in Presets \ Nodes \ Emitters \ Layer
The Ring Emitter is for emitting entire rings, you can easily have a solid with a circle mask and apply it a sequence to get the effect you are looking for. 
Aharon, superluminal

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