Emitter of 3d particle (1 object) and Emitter from same 3d object not aligned.

Support ForumEmitter of 3d particle (1 object) and Emitter from same 3d object not aligned.
Oz asked 7 years ago

Hi. I have a Model Particle of a city which is emitted once from a regular emitter. I want particles to sit aligned on the 3d object, so I created a second emitter – a Model Emitter – to emit circle particles. However, the models do not seem to be the same size and in the place and am having difficulty aligning them together. How do I achieve this, that the model particle and the model emitter are the same size and sit in the same coordinates.
Thank you.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

3D packages has different Axis conventions, on importing a 3D model for render, Stardust flips Z and Y as default, to match the most common one , this option is not yet available for 3D OBJ emitter ( It will be with future releases) .
To match the 2 , either cancel the flips with the Model, or apply a Transform node and scale the axises that need to be flipped. 
If you need further help, please send us an email.

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