Environment shadows??

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsEnvironment shadows??
jin asked 7 years ago

Environment shadows – lights affect the Image Based lighting environment
Of these updates, I do not understand the above. What is the meaning of environment shadow? Does it mean that users can create shadows in image-based lights?

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Jin , The new ‘Mix Lights Shading’ option, is to give more dramatic results when using the Environment to light the scene.
What it does, is taking into account the shading and shadows from the lights to mix with the IBL. Try to add a Spot to light a small area and add IBL , then change the value of the Mix param, to see how it affects the scene. Cheers, Aharon

jin answered 7 years ago

 i just posted about stardust 1.14 update on my site in korean. here. thanks.

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Jin,  please send us an email for further info. Cheers, Aharon

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