
Support ForumCategory: Issueserror-code-does-anyone-know-what-this-means-after-effects-error-internal-verification-failure-sorry-itemh-cannot-be-null-5027-88
Troy Rucarean asked 7 years ago

I receive this error code: After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry! {itemH cannot be NULL} ( 5027 :: 88) I have received this error several times when I try to load presets. I create a new comp, add shape layer, and then add stardust. I just got the plugin so I\\\’m trying to learn some of the nuances through the presets. Is there something that I can do avoid this going forward?

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, Could you please send an email to support ?

Ines answered 6 years ago

Is this problem solved? I have the same error.

admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, usually this is when Stardust is not applied to a Solid layer, please send us an email for support. 

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