Evenly distribute gradient colour using a map field

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsEvenly distribute gradient colour using a map field
Corey asked 7 years ago

I have a grid emitter and I’m trying to use a map field to colour the grid in Y but I’m only getting one of the colours. How can i adjust the field so the full range of the gradient fits within the size of me grid? I have tried setting size type to size XYZ and adjusting the size of the field which by putting y to zero got me the other side of gradient but any number in between just gave me the original colour. i noticed if i make the grid larger i can see the full range of the gradient but i can’t find away to make the map fit the size of my grid.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, The map will try to auto-fit to the grid by default, if its not, you can turn on the ‘Helpers’ to visualize the Map affected area.
If you need further help, please send an email to support with the affected setup.

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