Extruding 2D Illustrator logo into 3D?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsExtruding 2D Illustrator logo into 3D?
Josh asked 7 years ago

I realize that this is probably a newbie question, but is there any way to extrude a 2D Illustrator logo into 3D inside Stardust?  Simply looking for a way to add depth to the edges in 3D space, nothing super fancy.
Thanks so much in advance!

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, to do that, first make some masks out of your vector file, and apply it to a solid layer, then load a preset – Presets / Models / Extrude Mask and replace the mask layer with the one that you created. Please see the ‘Happy Holidays’ Tutorial, it has some extrude as well.

Josh answered 7 years ago

Thank you so much for the prompt reply!  You guys are awesome, and have created quite an amazing piece of software.

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