Feature Request: Depth of Field Multiplier

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsFeature Request: Depth of Field Multiplier
alex asked 6 years ago

Problem: I consistently have scenes where the Stardust DoF is way blurrier than the rest of the scene’s DoF.
I often layer different plugin layers with native AE layers. In Element3d and Plexus, I can adjust a multiplier to dial the DoF up or down to match the other elements. I would like to be able to do that with Stardust.

3 Answers
Ed answered 5 years ago

I had this issue today where I had totally different looking blurs across Stardust, Element 3D and native text layers. Would be really nice to have this feature.

admin Staff answered 5 years ago

Noted, we will look into this.

alex answered 5 years ago

Hi. Just coming back to this. I have another project that I’m doing tests for right now. If I crank the DOF in AE up to about 2000% I get some really nice DOF on round particles. Thank you so much for taking the time to get the bokeh looking great with those.
However, I’m still going to run into the problem of merging this into other AE elements due to the fact that the DOF looks so off.
I know (as a developer) that these sort of ‘asks’ are never as easy as the asker thinks they are. But I’m pretty sure a ‘DOF multiplier’ setting would fix this for me. Please consider it for a future release.

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