Get particles to flow from one shape into another?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsGet particles to flow from one shape into another?
gimbles asked 8 years ago

Do you have some suggestions for how I would get particles to flow from one shape into another? I have a client who wants “data” to flow off the surface of a globe into the word ‘DATA’. Lame, yes. But it’s what we need to do. 
Anyway, can you give me some advise for how to set this up? I’ve already got the globe emitting particles. Now I need them to flow into the word ‘DATA’.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

You can use a ‘Black Hole’ field to attract the particle to a point or points, I would try this combined with a turbulence to fade in / out 2 particle systems. You can always send us an email with your setup Aharon

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