Grid Emitter Bug

Support ForumCategory: IssuesGrid Emitter Bug
Florian Zauner asked 7 years ago

When I link the XY and the Z position of a grid emitter to the position data of an animated light, the grid emitter will always stay at the first pos keyframe of the light.

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

The basic position properties for the Grid emitter and other types of emitter, sets the properties of the birth position of the particles, animating these properties will affect the particles that are born in a later point in time, to move the particles you can use one of the many tools that are available , e.g. Transform nodeĀ  , Motion node.

Florian Zauner answered 7 years ago

even with the transform node it is the same, the grid stays at the first keyframe. I have linked the emitter position XYZ to the position of a light. but this should not be the reason because the particles dont move with the transform node, right?

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

For a specific setup please send us an email to support with the affected comp.

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