Grid Shift Y doesn't seem to be working

Support ForumCategory: IssuesGrid Shift Y doesn't seem to be working
Marshal asked 7 years ago

Hi there, 

I’m working with a grid emitter and noticing that adjusting the slider for “Grid Shift X” works just fine.
Adjusting the Grid Shift Y slider doesn’t seem to have any effect.

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Do you have a 3D grid ? You can see the Shift X effect on a 2D Grid, and the Shift Y effect on a 3D one.

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Do you have a 3D grid ? You can see the Shift X effect on a 2D Grid, and the Shift Y effect on a 3D one.

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Do you have a 3D grid ? You can see the Shift X effect on a 2D Grid, and the Shift Y effect on a 3D one.

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