How to set up a "pre run" emission ?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsHow to set up a "pre run" emission ?
Inkpix asked 7 years ago

Hello folks !
Maybe just a dumb question…but : can we set up a pre-emission (a pre-run as called in trapcode particular) anywhere ?
Thanks :()

2 Answers
Michael Garske answered 6 years ago

I’m looking for the same feature.
Does it exist? Were you able to find a solution? 

inkpix answered 6 years ago

Hey, Don\\\’t remember exactly but at the time of the question i was trying to inverse an explosion or something similar…and there is a time feature in the main stardust panel : i have been able to do exactly what i wanted with this parameter…just look a bit, if you don\\\’t find it, i will look at it. (sorry i am not on my computer with stardust actualy 😉 ) gluck ! 

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