Imported OBJ models from Blender are black

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsImported OBJ models from Blender are black
Darrell Plank asked 7 years ago

I exported a simple cone from Blender to OBJ format.  When I first loaded it in I didn’t think anything loaded but then I happened to put a solid white layer beneath and there were a bunch of totally black cone “silhouettes”.  Obviously it had imported in the mesh all right but in spite of putting a material node in after the model, nothing seems to change this black void they are rendered as.  I’ve tried exporting or not exporting the materials and importing or not importing the materials, reversing normals, etc. but I can’t get anything to work.  You can find the obj file and the material here:!AiZQurjJAGNUgvsbSG1VA7opYq_MtQ.
Though I included the rendered material file, I think that the .obj file was saved with no materials and the material file was created during an earlier attempt when I exported with the materials.  Thanks for any help!  LOVE the product – the closer it is to Smart Particles the happier I’ll be.  So cool if you guys start doing cullers which pull out particles from the mass based on special criteria for special handling.  Somebody else mentioned this also.
Darrell Plank

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Darrel, it should create normals when there are none, could you please contact us via email ? thats always the fastest route for support.

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