Is it possible to use a deformed obj as an emitter

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsIs it possible to use a deformed obj as an emitter
Dave green asked 7 years ago

Hi there. I love this Plugin and the new deform node. I was wondering whether it is possible to use an obj that has been deformed using this node as an emitter? i can’t seem to find a way to make it work. I have tried creating a new particle system an using the original obj as an emitter then duplicating the deform node used on the deformed obj and plugging it into the particle node as we do with the turbulence node but that didn’t work:(
I can achieve something similar to the noise deformed by adding turbulence duplicating the node and applying it to both the model and the emitter but it would be great to have bent and twisted objs emitting particles too.
if you could let me know if this is possible that would be awesome and if it’s not currently possible is that something that is on your roadmap? Many thanks in advance

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Dave, You can deform the OBJ emitter, using the Field node etc’ but not use the output OBJ from the Model node to feed into the emitter. Please send us an email with that feature request to support@ 

Dave green answered 7 years ago

Thank you for your reply, much appreciated. I will ping over a feature request.
Have a great day

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