Istaller dont show a place to install

Support ForumCategory: IssuesIstaller dont show a place to install
marcelo asked 8 years ago

I downloaded your demo version but when I try to install I dont know  why after effects path  doesn’t appear in your plug in installer
 any tips ?
I use win 10 

26 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Please send us an email with some more details to :
And we will look into it.

Chris answered 8 years ago

I recently downloaded your trial version of your product Stardust, I’m curious though when I run the installer, nothing happens. I’m running on windows 7 with all the proper requirements. When I click install, literally the installer has no components in it what so ever. Basically it installs nothing. Did i get the wrong installer, any help would be appreciated

rvd answered 8 years ago

I’m having the same problem with the Trial. Run the installer on windows 7 there’s nothing to install.  Am I missing some requirement? Any help would be nice

admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi , 
Please check the following :
You are logged as admin to this machine.
After effects is installed in its default location.
You have After Effects CC and up.
Please contact us for further help
Aharon, superluminal

Penelope answered 7 years ago

I’m having the same problem. I downloaded the demo from AEScripts and am running the installer. I go through “Introduction”, click Continue, “License”, click Continue, then it skips “Destination Select”, goes straight to “Installation Type, and all the AE version options are grayed out. I have the newest version of After Effects installed. Any thoughts on how to get this working? Thanks!

sheharyar answered 7 years ago

i have installed the trial version from your site, and i have after effect cs6 installed on my laptop, but the installation is not showing the component to install. please help. its urgent 

sheharyar answered 7 years ago

i have installed the trial version from your site, and i have after effect cs6 installed on my laptop, but the installation is not showing the component to install. please help. its urgent 

sheharyar answered 7 years ago

i have installed the trial version from your site, and i have after effect cs6 installed on my laptop, but the installation is not showing the component to install. please help. its urgent 

Brog answered 7 years ago

I got problem with installation… I think I dont have Adobe After FX on default location… I got it on my second disk… Can you please help me? 

Mick answered 6 years ago

Any news on this? Same problem here as well!

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