Jitter in intersecting Volume Setup

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsJitter in intersecting Volume Setup
Marc Petersen asked 5 years ago

Hi people, I did the volume tutorial and i always get a kind of jitter when the second emitter makes its boolean operation. does anyone knows a solution?

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi, to refine the result you can do several things, make the basic Voxels smaller , at the cost of render times, smooth the result using one of the filters, or do an offset that will also smooth the result using by dilate / erode ops . You can send us an email with your setup and we could have a look at it.

Marc Petersen answered 5 years ago

Hi admin, I solved it. The problem was a check center position in the volume object. So it re-centered the whole object at beginning dependent on the first particles.

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