Light speed trtails

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsLight speed trtails
Matthew Stevens asked 6 years ago

I have built a simple starfield using stardust.  I’m trying to then get the stars to move away from the camera with trails following them.  Think Star Wars warp speed effect, but the warp going off into the distance, not coming towards the camera.  A bit like the “Bang” preset but reversed.

I’ve tried Force / Wind with a negative z wind, but it doesn’t affect the starfield particles as they have are already been born.

Any ideas?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

There are several ways you can go about this, 
Add to your particle some speed and add aux particles so it will leave a trail.
Add motion blur to these moving particles.
Use the replica node to create the ‘lines’ and then animate the no. of relocates to get the movement.

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