Limit to 2d – particle orientation

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsLimit to 2d – particle orientation
Pavel Zlatos asked 6 years ago

Hello. I’d like to ask about the “Limit to 2D” option in the particle rotation properties.
I have this situation where i need to emit particles (texture type, the shape is defined in another layer) from a certain point, moving outwards. What i need is to orient particles in the direction of their movement but they must also be facing camera all the time. So kind of shooting them in the circle outwards, with orientation – but without 3d rotation. So, i set orientation to Motion (particle) and there is this “Limit to 2d” option that i thought would do the trick but it does not. Switching this on, makes all the particles orient the same direction no matter their movement direction. I tried different combinations of “orient to” property with or without “limit to 2d” but i always get either particles rotating in all 3 axes or just all of them oriented in the same direction. No 2d rotation.
So my uqestion  – is there any way to achieve this? To have 2d textured particles, shooting away from the emitter, only rotated in 2d but not 3d?

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, did you try to give them some randomness to the rotation ? possibly some speed as well ? 
Please send us the setup via email and we will have a look at it. Aharon

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