Mask emitter: Particles not moving freely, possible bug?

Support ForumCategory: IssuesMask emitter: Particles not moving freely, possible bug?
redkidOne asked 6 years ago

I’m wanting to create particle ‘ribbons’ following the movement of a dancer. I’ve roto-ed some masks as the emitters for the ribbons, but the particles once emitted follow the movement of the mask rather than being ‘released’ to move freely. Adjusting “Move With Emitter” and other properties doesn’t seem to have any effect. Is there something I’m missing, or is this a bug? Stardust 1.4.1, AE 16.1.1, OS X High Sierra.

2 Answers
Nick answered 6 years ago

Sounds like you might need to 3D track your scene, have you tried this?

jim answered 1 year ago

How did you make the ribbons?  

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