Model Deform Node Ignoring Comp Effects (1.5)

Support ForumCategory: IssuesModel Deform Node Ignoring Comp Effects (1.5)
Nick asked 6 years ago

I’ve found a bug where the Deform Node ignores precomp effects.
I have a primitive plane model with a deform attached, in 1.4xx i was able to affect the deform with a precomp using multiple effects – mostly using the ‘extract’ effect – to remove areas of fractal noise using luma values.
In 1.5 it seems the deform doesn’t render these changes. I have tried different colour depths, different settings inside the deform (source, masks etc) and i am unable to achieve the desired result.
Heirachy: [Main Comp] > [Extract Comp] > [Fractal Noise Comp] Screenshots here:
The deform ignores the extracted comp and only uses the fractal noise comp, they are 2 separate comps that have been pre-composed into a single comp.
Any ideas?

4 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Could you please send us an email with a sample setup / more details so we can look into this ?

Nick answered 6 years ago

Yeah sure, sample setup is here:
It’ll ignore the effects applied in the first precomp (extract effect).

admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Nick , the way AE works is that it save the color info in un-premultiply alpha , meaning, that when you apply extract, the RGB channels are not affected (you can set the Show channel to RGB straight to see the actual RGB) , the Deform / Maps , reads the lightness of the RGB, so please have a black solid under that extracted layer in the pre-comp, this should give you a correct RGB map to distort.  

Nick answered 5 years ago

Ahh, my bad, i really should have tried that before contacting you. Thanks!!

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