More tutorials for new features.

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsMore tutorials for new features.
tao asked 7 years ago

This plugin needs more detailed tutorials for each feature, at least for the new feature. Eg, I download the trial version of the new stardust and I just cannot find how to achieve the new 3d model shadow…….everytime you release a new version, at least release a new tutorial for the new feature, otherwise it just makes everyone feeling frustrated and abandons this.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, to add 3D shadows you need to add a 3D object / particle, have a light that casts shadow, and turn of shadows of the main stardust effect. 
You can read about the new features in our user guide here. Also, we keep adding tutorials to our tutorial page, more should be available soon.
With any question, you can also send us an email. cheers, Aharon

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