OBJ sequence

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsOBJ sequence
Bart asked 7 years ago

I have a question as I’m not sure if I’m missing something. I’ve loaded OBJ sequence to stardust but I can’t get it to play. ‘Load Sequence’ is ticked and it works fine in plexus. I’ve run out of ideas now, what’s the correct set up?

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Please send us an email so we could have a look at the setup.

Tim answered 7 years ago

Hi Bart,
not sure if it helps you but for me I have problems with sequences when they start like “sequence_0.obj”, “sequence_1.obj”, “sequence_2.obj” … and so on. When I export it starting with 100, so for example “sequence_100.obj”, “sequence_101.obj”, “sequence_102.obj” … and so on – then it works fine.
Hope, it helps.
Best, Tim

MSCProt answered 4 years ago

Чтобы сэкономить денежные средства при оптовых поставках товаров из Китая, советуем обратиться в нашу компанию напрямую. Мы организуем прямую поставку из Китая под ключ.

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