.obj won’t import, just a small "obj" icon appears

Support ForumCategory: Issues.obj won’t import, just a small "obj" icon appears
Jane asked 5 years ago

Whenever I import an .obj into Stardust I simply get a small black and white icon that says “.obj”
why would this be happening ?


3 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

The OBJ layer , is for collecting footage purposes, its another layer that you can hide. If you are experiencing issues with importing OBJ , this is usually has to do with some missing information in the file such as UV info or flipped Normals (you can assign some UV’s and Flip the normals also inside Stardust , but its always better to have an import ready Model) . Please send us an email with the file and we could have a look at it.

hans answered 4 years ago

I do have the same issue,  the .obj loads in object viewer,  trapcode form,  but won’t load in stardust
is there a limit in file size?  

hans answered 3 years ago

same problem here

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