Obstruction layer not working

Support ForumCategory: IssuesObstruction layer not working
Mike Foran asked 6 years ago

I don’t understand why, but the Obstruction layer is doing nothing. I setup a simple comp with a 3000x3000x3000 box emitter. I added a camera, and created a 3D solid. I set the solid layer to be the Obstruction layer in the Z buffer. It doesn’t seem to do anything no matter where it is placed or how big I make it. Am I missing something?
EDIT: After quitting and restarting AE, I notice that the obstruction layer is blocking some particles, however it is only using a small quadrant in the upper left of the obstruction layer instead of the entire layer. Please See this screenshot.

4 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, The obstruction layer is limited to 2D particles at the moment, and it has a known issue when previewing in lower res – (Half, Quarter , etc’ ), please use Full res . Both will will be addressed soon. For further help please send an email to support.

Yiannis Liolios answered 6 years ago

Hi! I have a similar problem. I created a spin around a layer but the obstruction layer is not working. This is the After Effects Project.  

Mike Foran answered 6 years ago

I have been told that there is a bug that manifests when you are at a lower resolution than the native composition. If you view at full resolution it’s fine, but if you view at lower resolutions the obstruction layer doesn’t scale properly. I have been told it will be fixed soon.

Sebastian answered 12 months ago

Why don’t you simply adress those issues, when you say that you will? It’s still there, but no fix, isn’t it? i love that plug in, but things like that should be fixed for professional workflows.

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