Obstruction layer not working

Support ForumCategory: IssuesObstruction layer not working
Mike Foran asked 7 years ago

I don’t understand why, but the Obstruction layer is doing nothing. I setup a simple comp with a 3000x3000x3000 box emitter. I added a camera, and created a 3D solid. I set the solid layer to be the Obstruction layer in the Z buffer. It doesn’t seem to do anything no matter where it is placed or how big I make it. Am I missing something?
EDIT: After quitting and restarting AE, I notice that the obstruction layer is blocking some particles, however it is only using a small quadrant in the upper left of the obstruction layer instead of the entire layer. Please See this screenshot.

4 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, The obstruction layer is limited to 2D particles at the moment, and it has a known issue when previewing in lower res – (Half, Quarter , etc’ ), please use Full res . Both will will be addressed soon. For further help please send an email to support.

Yiannis Liolios answered 6 years ago

Hi! I have a similar problem. I created a spin around a layer but the obstruction layer is not working. This is the After Effects Project.  

Mike Foran answered 6 years ago

I have been told that there is a bug that manifests when you are at a lower resolution than the native composition. If you view at full resolution it’s fine, but if you view at lower resolutions the obstruction layer doesn’t scale properly. I have been told it will be fixed soon.

Sebastian answered 1 year ago

Why don’t you simply adress those issues, when you say that you will? It’s still there, but no fix, isn’t it? i love that plug in, but things like that should be fixed for professional workflows.

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