Occlude / Visibility

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsOcclude / Visibility
Peter asked 7 years ago

is it possible to hide particles behind a 3D layer or so? Or to “cut” the visibility range off? I got a scene, where an objekt (3d layer) drops into the szene in the center of a particle cloud. and of course, i want the particles in the distance, that would be behind the 3d layer to be invisible.
So far i love Stardust but this could be something thats really missing in this plugin – or at least i cant find it 😉 

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

There are two ways to do that, first there is an obstruction layer, its on the main effect, and you can set a 3D layer to obstruct.
Second, in some cases you can just bring that layer(s) into the Stardust space, by adding a single particle with texture.
Please send us an email, if you need further help with your setup.

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

There are two ways to do that, first there is an obstruction layer, its on the main effect, and you can set a 3D layer to obstruct.
Second, in some cases you can just bring that layer(s) into the Stardust space, by adding a single particle with texture.
Please send us an email, if you need further help with your setup.

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