Particles along a path

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsParticles along a path
Brad Hensley asked 7 years ago

I’m looking create an effect similar to the one in the link below. I’ve tried it with spines but I can’t seem to get the particles to move along the path. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Brad,
I think you could try different ways to create something similar to this,
for the basic movement you can try one of the following 
– have several emitters emitting particles in a single direction – a simple directional emitter
-use a spline / mask emitter, and use the motion over path property to move the particles – please search fot  the City preset, for a sample
-emit paritlces from a point, and use the moiton node to move the particles along a path – please search for the Follow preset for a sample
I would then use either the Replica node to replicate the basic setup
for further support please send us an email.

David answered 2 years ago

Oooo I wish this was understandable…. “motion over path property”? Sorry, but there is no such property? Just a tad more description perhaps?

“search for the Follow preset”!? Eh… I’d love to search for it, if I just knew where in the whole wide world I should do this. How about squeezing in a bit more info?

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