Particles on Null Positions

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsParticles on Null Positions
Pawel asked 7 years ago

I have tracked an Clip with the standard Cameratracker. 
Now i converted 100 Trackingpoints to Nulls. And now i need a particle on every of the Nulls. 
So I can put a random Particle Composition as the Particle.
Is this possible?
Thank you!

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

You can emit from multiple Lights at once,with nulls you will have to link it on by one, if you can easily link lights to these nulls this may be a solution.

Powel answered 7 years ago

Unfortunately this won´t help. Havin over 100 Nulls and a lot of theese shots, this way will take too long.
For now it seems there is only the way to replace the Nulls with compositions directly in the timeline.

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